By Trevor Pacelli
In the horror movie, Unfriended, from 2015, the execution and approach is typical at best, but it addresses one of the most important subjects of horror in our technological society today--suicide--which is currently the third leading cause of death for children aged 15-19. Cyberbullying continues to be a deathly serious issue that is attacking our adolescent generation, and Unfriended’s message is very clear: What’s put online stays online.
Three authors in one family have combined some of their most popular books about autism and leadership into one book that can help anyone understand, lead and grow people with autism at work, home and life. This bundle, written by a family affected by autism, includes books and articles by Lonnie Pacelli, noted leadership consultant and father of a young adult with autism, as well as Patty Pacelli, autism advocate and mother of a young adult with autism, and Trevor Pacelli, their son, who was diagnosed at age 5 and has written two books about his experiences growing up autistic. The book is available in paperback and ebook on Amazon. |
Inspiration for Life with AutismThis blog is written by Trevor Pacelli, a young adult with autism and an author and illustrator. Guest bloggers are welcome. Categories
August 2024